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Pipeline management

Guarantee safe, compliant and efficient operations with our wide range of pipeline management services

As pipeline operator, you will most likely require accurate pipeline data, quality inspections and surveys, and relevant analyses. We combine field activities with expert analysis and a Pipeline Risk & Integrity Management Solution called PRIMS. Experience and knowledge from the field such as pipeline inspections, cathodic protection surveys and continuous CP monitoring, leak detection with equipment and dogs, right of way and depth of cover inspections, corrosion surveys, and third party supervision, are combined with expert services such as pipeline condition analysis, risk assessment, corrosion growth analysis, and third party activity management.

You have access to a SaaS application called PRIMS that brings all data, information, and analysis reports together to support you to operate a pipeline in a safe, compliant, and efficient way. Rely on 30 years of experience, more than 9.000 successful pipeline integrity projects, and reliable and accredited processes.

Want to know more about pipeline management services?

Download the leaflet.

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