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Compressed air and vacuum leak detection

Find compressed air, vacuum, or nitrogen leaks fast

Compressed air, nitrogen or vacuum leaks are easy to ignore. The noise of the expanding air/N2 is difficult to hear above the background noise from your industrial activity. 20 to 30% of the compressed air, nitrogen or vacuum generated in utility or instrument air networks that are older than 5 years is lost forever.

Ultrasonic device or parabolic sensor

Accurate measurements with special ultrasonic devices provide specific information and a total overview of your energy losses and potential savings. Internal and external leaks can be detected and leaks through welding cracks are revealed.

Using a parabolic sensor, we assess inaccessible sources to identify leaks and energy savings that would normally stay hidden.

At the end of the leak monitoring campaign, we provide you with a detailed advice-driven report with ROI’s and recommendations for further improvements.

Benefits of compressed air and vacuum leak detection

Reduce energy consumption

Detect internal & external leaks and check inaccessible sources to reduce energy consumption.

Lower maintenance costs

Have your network for compressed air, nitrogen or vacuum checked regularly to lower maintenance costs.

Reduce carbon footprint

Ensure working components, a leak-free pipeline network and reduce your carbon footprint.

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