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Performance benchmarking

Benchmark your emission results and reveal areas of improvement

Do you currently miss overviews of your overall emission performance across multiple sites? Do you want to compare your performance and figures with other peers? Our benchmark capability reveals areas of improvement and confirms best in class practices. Compare your emission performance over different sites or with other oil and gas players.

A benchmarking exercise can be executed internally within a corporation or a peer to peer comparision can be visualised with our broad emission figure population of about 9.000 projects in an anonymized way.

Ranking, top quartile or P10 classifications makes the real performance transparent up to a detailed technical level and initiate a stream of continous improvement activities. The power of knowledge sharing and best practise identification lead without any doubt to tangible environmental results.

This makes us different

30 years of experience

Incorporated in 1991, Intero – The Sniffers is focused to support customers in their environmental objectives.

Corporate emission and pipeline integrity platforms

Dedicated extensive services around emission management, energy savings and pipeline integrity.

More than 9.000 projects executed Our global experience enables us to benchmark and identify best practices as well as areas for improvement.

Innovative technologies
and solutions

State-of-the-art software platforms SFEMP and PRIMS for lean work processing and applying new technologies when valuable.

Reliable and accredited processes and methodologies

Intero – The Sniffers is a certified and laboratory accredited organization with ISO 9001, 14001 and SCC, and ISO 17025 612-TEST Belac and 389-TEST Israc.

Passionate and dedicated team of experts

Well trained and qualified specialists, listening to the customer and applying best available techniques.

Can we help you with a benchmarking exercise?

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