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Infrared thermographic surveys

Reveal hidden problems with infrared thermographic surveys

Infrared thermographic surveys enable you to obtain the thermal pattern of an object’s surface. It is a non-destructive, no-touch, on-site method.

Insight into the condition of installations

Almost all processes and changes that take place within processes can be detected and analyzed. Our certified inspectors apply the best available techniques to give you clear insight into the condition of your installation.

Various applications in oil, gas and power

With our infrared thermographic surveys, we mainly focus on the oil, gas and power industry. We specialize in condition-based maintenance, process optimization, hidden corrosion detection and insulation monitoring and electrical inspections. Heat and energy losses are specified in a clear advice-driven report.

How our infrared thermographic surveys can help

Condition-based maintenance
Measure the quality of your infrastructure in real time. Thermographic surveys enable you to schedule condition-dependent maintenance or repairs. Improve the uptime of your installations and minimize shutdowns.
Process optimization
By measuring flow rates in pipelines and cooling systems, you continuously optimize your process.
Hidden corrosion detection & insulation monitoring
Hidden corrosion of pipelines and other equipment can be detected quickly and efficiently by clearly indicating the surface temperature of certain parts of the insulation.
Turnaround optimization
Check the quality of newly built infrastructure. Optimize your turnaround with thermographic surveys.
Electrical inspections
Detect overheating in electrical components early. See which components need replacement and minimize risk for malfunction and fire and avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

Benefits of infrared thermographic surveys

Extend your infrastructure's lifespan

Check the condition of your equipment and discover hidden problems so you extend the lifespan of your infrastructure.

Detect hidden problems early

Detect corrosion under insulation or other problems early to avoid expensive maintenance costs.

Save costs

Save costs by detecting hidden problems in your infrastructure early and avoid maintenance or repair activities.

Want to speak with an expert about using thermographic inspections?

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