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Methane emission monitoring

Identify, quantify, and reduce methane emissions from well to market

Are you looking for a certified third party to measure, quantify, and report your methane emissions performance? We help oil and gas companies determine how much methane is emitted per asset and across the entire supply chain from well to market.

With our methane emissions monitoring program, you can reduce methane emissions significantly in a sustainable way. The program allows you to report credible and audited data to all stakeholders.

With over 9.000 emission reduction projects successfully executed worldwide and 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, we are ready to help you reduce methane emissions and limit global warming.

How we monitor methane emissions​

1. Identification

To start, we assess your current emission situation and we develop a methane program per asset. Based on the actual emission situation at the site, we develop a fit-for-purpose strategy using the appropriate measurement equipment.

2. Quantification

Secondly, a team of emission specialists executes field surveys to measure and quantify the emissions using best available techniques for all sources releasing methane. We provide a complete and detailed picture of the whole emission situation per asset, including unintended and intended emissions.

3. Continuous reduction

The third step leads to the continuous reduction of methane emissions. We assess the methane emission figures and develop a baseline by aggregating the methane intensity for each asset. We handover a complete and detailed emission report and we develop a plan for sustainable improvements that helps you reach your environmental targets.

Measurement techniques for methane emissions

Fugitives: bagging / High Flow Sampling
We use the bagging technique or High Flow Sampling (HFS) technique to quantify accessible leaks. This is currently the most accurate measurement technique to quantify methane emissions on source-level and gives you results in mass leak rates in KG/year.
Fugitive emissions: Remote Methane Laser Detector (RMLD)
Detect 'methane clouds' fast in non-accessible areas with the Remote Methane Laser Detector (RMLD) resulting in a PPM value.
Venting: emission quantification
With the High Flow Sampler or bagging technique, we quantify emissions from valves, regulators, or vents.
Incomplete combustion: Multispectral Optical Gas Imaging
Quantify methane emissions from flaring - incomplete combustion. The technology combines OGI detection capabilities with quantification features.
Measurement on site-level: UAV drone surveys
Together with our partners, we detect methane emissions with UAV drones.
Measurement on site-level: methane detection with satellites
Together with our partners, we detect super emitters or hotspots with satellites.

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Benefits of monitoring methane emissions

Fit-for-purpose technologies

Our wide range of measurement techniques allow you to identify and quantify methane emissions in kg/year in line with your applicable protocols.

Unintended and intended emissions

We measure, quantify, and report methane emissions for all sources releasing methane from well to market.

Emission management software for accurate reporting

We use our in-house developed emission management software SFEMP® throughout our measurement campaigns to structure emission data and deliver compliant emission reports and repair orders.

Feedback from our clients

Nur Atikah Abu Bakar
Nur Atikah Abu Bakar
Manager Climate Change Management, PETRONAS
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Intero - The Sniffers has demonstrated to be competent and knowledgeable in the field of methane emissions management and the advice give to PETRONAS through the online methane workshops. The validation report met our expectations.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Roeckmann
Research and Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry - Utrecht University
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Your results on the level of individual equipment provide relevant and important insight into the processes that lead to greenhouse gas emissions in Romania.

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